As an approved Green Service provider, Clearstream Solutions can get you ready for a Green Future.
Last week the Climate Enterprise Action Fund with an initial allocation of €10m was launched. This Climate Enterprise Action Fund is now available to help companies reduce emissions & embed sustainability in how they work.
The Fund, which will be administered by Enterprise Ireland, through approved Green Service providers, will help businesses take action to drive down their emissions and embed sustainability in how they work.
This new fund supports Irish companies to build the capabilities required to deliver sustainable products, services and business models.
The grant funds companies to engage Clearstream Solutions to identify opportunities for your business and develop plans in areas like resource efficiency, renewable energy and the circular economy.
As an approved Green Service provider, financial supports available which reflect the needs of companies at different stages of their decarbonisation and sustainability journey also include the GreenStart and GreenPlus grants.
Contact brian@clearstreamsolutions.ie to discuss your Green Future journey.