Sustainability & ESG Reporting

Financial reporting is historical – Sustainable reporting is visionary

Is ESG corporate reporting on your companies’ radar?

Goodbody Clearstream is a leading Sustainability and ESG corporate reporting advisory firm. As a result we are well positioned to help your company seek assistance with both voluntary and regulatory non-financial reporting requirements.

What is Sustainability Reporting?

With Sustainability Reporting, there is increasing pressure on companies. Increased regulatory requirements and market demands, not only to engage in CSR activities but to share the organisations plans and achievements with stakeholders. ESG reporting can range from detailed sustainability reports, to small inclusions on a company’s website or within an annual report. Integrated reporting combines Financial Reporting and Non – Financial Reporting. This presents a holistic view of the companies health and performance, allowing for a deeper understanding of the organisation’s position.

Compulsory Reporting Requirements

The European Union seeks to establish itself as a leader in sustainable development, increasing regulatory requirements are being placed on companies to disclose their impact on ESG factors. This list of requirements includes the Non-Financial reporting Directive (NFRD), which will form the basis of the Corporate Sustainability Disclosure Regulation (CSRD) in 2023, the Sustainable Finance Reporting Directive (SFRD) and obligations for EU Taxonomy disclosure. Goodbody Clearstream can assist companies in their preparation for compliance with these legal requirements.

Voluntary Reporting Frameworks

Alongside meeting its regulatory requirements, Goodbody Clearstream believe that adopting voluntary frameworks can have positive implications for companies. These voluntary initiatives include the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), CDP, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). A companies attempt to follow  these frameworks can offer them the opportunity to establish themselves as a sustainability leader within their respective sector.

How we an help you

As a leading ESG corporate reporting advisory firm, Goodbody Clearstream is well positioned to help companies seeking assistance with both voluntary and regulatory non-financial reporting requirements. We can help you to identify how and to what extent these initiatives will impact your business by performing a full analysis of your company and its structure. We offer assistance to companies in drafting the required disclosures, before developing a reporting roadmap for future requirements.

We work with many sustainability platforms such as GRI and CDP and can provide you with the guidance and structure to assist you with the process, from conducting a Materiality assessment or carbon footprint, right through to communicating your results to key stakeholders.

Please feel free to contact our ESG reporting team to discuss your reporting needs.

Shaping your ESG & Sustainability Reporting Journey.

This webinar includes an overview of the emerging trends, global reporting frameworks (GRI, SASB, SDGs, TCFD, CDP), and the key elements of a good report and is suitable if your company is considering reporting non-financial information. George Harrington, Manager – Corporate & Stakeholder Engagement discussed the GRI Standards, how to get started, when to select GRI and how it complements the other frameworks. This was followed by a conversation with Susan McGarry, MD of Ecocem and Outi Marin, Head of Sustainability Reporting, Smurfit Kappa on their sustainability reporting journey and becoming GRI-aligned.

Sustainability Reporting demystified

For a full overview of sustainability reporting, the latest trends and why your business should be doing it, read our interview with Brian O’Kennedy.

What does the EU Taxonomy mean for large companies?

For more insight into Non-financial and sustainability reporting and how it has become an integral part of business operations, read our blog here.

How we can help you

Goodbody Clearstream provides a range of programs covering both Public and Private sector offering best in class solutions:

  • Engaging customers and community in your green initiatives
  • Assisting companies in reporting under international schemes such as GRI and CDP
  • Managing internal communication, training and climate change teams
  • Avoid pitfalls and ‘Greenwash’
  • Choosing credible Eco Labels and Certifications